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Social Media Graphics

Julia has created everything from ad graphics to Kindle Vella covers and merch designs over their years as an author and an author assistant. Below is the highlights reel of the work they have completed as well as some social media outreach work they've done both for themself and their authors.

Their specialty genres are romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and LGBTQIA+ dark fantasy/PNR but they are comfortable with almost any genre. Julia's specialty tasks are influencer outreach, FB fan group management, social media management/marketing, email marketing, and book launching. However, they also do some graphics creation and they are always working to expand their skill set.

Social Media Post Examples

Gemstone choose your own adventure.JPG
Social Media Screenshot 02
Tam post 1_edited.jpg

Editorial and blog reviews 

Tam De rudder Jackson

Amy’s Rebellion

Lauren Eason, Rating 4/5

Gabriel is Cursed

War of the Twin Swords

Indies Today– Rating 4/5


Nadine,  Rating 4.5/5

Indies Today, Rating 4/5


Newsletter Screenshot 01
Newsletter Screenshot 02
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